We all have places we don’t want to look at. The subterranean hideouts of failure and shame. Our students have these places too, and they often prevent a willingness to be vulnerable in the face of new learning. All learning involves risk, whether it is the fear of being wrong, sharing personal experiences, or simply admitting you need help. This is especially acute in vulnerable populations.
Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior.
-Brené Brown
The Mystery of Resilience
In the movies, the “troubled” main character perseveres through endless hardships and becomes
When there is no connection between their learning and the FEELING of being successful, no amount of conversations or contracts will get a 14 year old to do their assignments or go to school. Behavioral theory shows that how someone feels about themselves during an activity quickly becomes associated with that activity. In at risk populations, there is the lead barrier of shame preventing their emotional connection to being a successful learner.
Vulnerability-avoidance is a survival tool for students from at risk backgrounds that is intimately tied to shame. It manifests as often baffling and self-sabotaging learning behaviours such as covering up reading delays, leaving assignments partially completed, refusing extra help, and ignoring successful grades. Vulnerability-avoidance most critically appears when students encounter the unknown in the learning process, the sometimes messy space between “I don’t know” and “here is the answer”. The ability, as Pema Chodron put it, for students to “relax into uncertainty” and trust that they will eventually find a way to understand.
The Way Through
So how do we combat shame-association that has already occurred for our at risk students? The work that Brene Brown and other researchers have done offers multiple ways to get at this:
- Avoid shaming as a classroom management approach
- Explore multiple ways of demonstrating learning
- Ask students to share their stories
- Listen to them
- Separate “compliance” from achievement
- Consider online learning when building-dependent lesson delivery isn’t working
- Model vulnerability, integrity and humility for our students
The ultimate goal for at risk learners is for them to “walk in their story” again. To reconnect with their natural curiosity and delight, before they stepped outside the circle of learning. It is our challenge as educators to create safe, innovative environments for them, where trust and vulnerability can guide them once again inside.
A special thank you to Shannon Sookochoff, APEGA-award winning Math educator and dear friend. Thank you for introducing me to Brene Brown’s work, and for our always-inspiring conversations around vulnerability, integrity and courage.
I am beginning to track shame everywhere: in learning interactions, parenting, marriage, marketing…. I ask myself, “Is this interaction free of shame?” And the question helps me walk fully in my own story, release my impulse to own another’s shame, and move toward helpful empathy.