(Click play!)

I taught music for nearly ten years and every year I was amazed at how much students still like classical music. I would prepare a lesson and wait for the groaning and eye rolls but the minute I put some Beethoven or Bernstein on … it was all over. Love at first listen.

Music is about emotion. It’s in our ears when we workout, walk to the bus, shop, drive and socialize with friends. We are revved up, moved, and influenced by the rhythm, mood and lyrics of every song. If you listen in a movie theatre during the car chases, love scenes, epic battles, tear jerking final scenes … it’s all about the music.

If we aren’t using this powerful tool to engage learners in our courses, we are missing out.

There is a perfect marriage between online learning and sound. Not only are students already immersed in music online and on handheld devices, but it’s easy to pull in to lessons, videos, and podcasts. eLearning was born to have a soundtrack. How are you using sound in your course? Here are some ideas:

1. Start with a Soundtrack

Quentin Tarantino said that before starting his movies (Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs) he sat with all his albums and created the “feel” of the movie. His music choices were so powerful they became inseparable from the movies he placed them in. I think it’s an interesting creative exercise we can all try when we are sitting down to create an online course.

– Think about the major themes of the course. Transformation? Lost innocence? Global economy? Workplace safety?
– Dig through your collection (or itunes, youtube, etc) and find 10 songs that capture the theme

[Soundtrack to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” … “I Go to Work” by Kool Moe Dee … ]

If you click the orange play button (go ahead!) you will start a soundcloud playlist I created for Wired Minds. I focused on the at risk youth I work with when choosing my songs. Soundcloud has every song imaginable and it is meant to be streamed. Find ways to use your “soundtrack” throughout your course … better yet, have your students create their own playlist and see what THEY come up with.

2. Dissect a Song

There is almost nothing that offers more aspects of study than a piece of music. Songs can be used to illustrate everything from the pain of isolation, civil rights, even concepts in math and science. A single song can be looked at from its:

– lyrics, (form, poetic devices, metaphors, message)
– culture (Arab, African, Jazz, Street, Hip Hop)
– world history (major events, decade, etc)
– artist worldview and message (gender, poverty, violence, race)
– music video interpretation versus original audio
– political or cultural impact

Using audio as a starting point for discussions, forums, and lessons not only brings in a unique way of delivering content, it also helps learners who struggle with difficult vocabulary … but really “get it” when it’s sung.

3. Build an Emotional Connection to the Concepts

Marrying concepts with music makes for more impact, just ask any advertising agency. We can’t help but respond to music. The classical piece of music I offered at the top of the page would make a powerful background to a slideshow on a topic that was uplifting or triumphant.

– World War 2 (or any famous historical battle)
– The global fight of a disease
– The explorers
– The struggle for endangered animals
– Space (the planets / solar system)

Different music carries a different mood. Slow it down for serious topics. Keep it playful for drier material. Use irony for older students and adults. Gain some extra precious moments of attention span. The possibilities are endless.

Free Stuff

If you’re like me, there are two main reasons you’ve shied  away from using music with your Powerpoints or videos … it seemed hard to create and the copyright issue was sort of scary. These days, it is incredibly easy to use a variety of online video makers for adding sound to a slide show or screencast:

Youtube video manager

The phrase you want to get to know and love is called “Creative Commons”. This means that the artist WANTS to share their music with you, you just need to credit their work. There are many places to find terrific music for use in your presentations and lessons. Here a couple of popular ones:

Audio Blocks (Copyright Free Stock Music … 100,000 tracks / $99 bucks a year)
Royalty Free Music
Youtube Audio Library
Free Stock Music

… The possibilities for using music in your eCourse are endless. It’s about critical thinking, making connections and bringing concepts to greater depth than is possible with text.

Let me know how you use music in your eCourse! I’d love to share it.
Drop me a note below in the comments area or on my twitter page @neela_bell.

[Music excerpt was “Jubilee” by Scott Buckley]